This month we look at:
and also:
Networking at the office
We're all connected these days and we all want our computer systems networked. So what are the best ways? Well, nearly everything comes with wireless WiFi built in and your internet provider has probably sent you a wireless router. So at base, it all looks great until you find problems.
You see wireless isn't so much magic as a black art. You might find the signals are blocked by wall. There might be so many WiFi networks around that you can't get much space to transmit.
So you need an alternative and there are two options: Ethernet and homeplug. Many people are familiar with ethernet. All you have to do is run a cable between the router and the computer. Simple, but what if I have to drill through two floors, or I'm renting and can't make holes?
Enter Homeplug or powerline. This uses your electricity system to connect devices. Now it's not going to be as fast as Ethernet but will be up there with WiFi – and anyway if your internet is 4Mbit/sec, does it matter whether your network is 85 or 1000mbit/sec? Not really.
You plug two or more boxes into mains sockets and wire your devices to those. Now you have a network using existing cabling.
Right, you are thinking, anyone else with a homeplug can connect to my network. Well, up to a point. You have to authorise the new connection and more importantly, the signals don't get beyond your fuse box. But you do have a network.
How clean is your PC?
Your PC is also helping to clean your house! Yep, the many fans are sucking air through the case and it's acting just like a dustbag.
So does this matter? It does, as a hotter computer becomes less reliable - and slower as it tries to protect itself.
Right, let's clean it. Now, there's not a lot you can do with a laptop beyond put a (real) vacuum cleaner nozzle against all the slots and grilles that you can see.
But if you have a desktop, grab a 1-inch paintbrush and follow me if you are confident
First, unplug the main case from everything – you might want to take a photo if you are unsure about where things go - and take it outside.
Now we open up the case. These vary, but in most instances the side of the case opposite to all the sockets and connections will unscrew and slide off. Sometimes the top and sides come off as one unit and some Dells hinge open.
So how bad is it in there? Leave all the parts ion place. Use a vacuum cleaner and crevice nozzle to remove what dust you can – but avoid crashing into stuff. Then use the paintbrush to gently loosen any more dust that you can see, especially around and in the CPU heatsink. That's the big aluminium finned plate near the centre under a fan.
Now a final vacuum and put everything back. Well done
What mobile device?
We're seeing lots of new gadgets – smartphones, tablets, netbooks – almost arriving by the day.
So which is best? Well, it depends on what you do when you are out and what you have back at the office.
Well, The Flying Doctor has come up with a decision grid to help.
However, if you are only going to have one computer, then make it a laptop with a big-enough screen and keyboard.
If you are looking for an additional computer, then we need to consider two main aspects:
Now the first question is what will you be doing away from the office?
If you want to create original work, then note down 'A'
if you want to access, take with you and refer to stuff you've done, then 'B' is the one for you
if you want to use the web, then you're a 'C'
and where will you be doing it?
At a desk, then remember '1'
on your lap or on coaches, trains, cars, '2' is the number
On the hoof – walking, lounges, etc you are a '3'
So now the decision grid. Find ther cell that matches your letter and number:
And the answers:
* is a laptop (powerful)
# is a netbook (smaller and lighter)
& is a tablet (a touch-driven screen)
@ is a smart phone (easy to carry)
(and if you are an A3, you're plumb out of luck.)
Once we have the category, now we can compare machines in terms of battery life, wifi/3G and stuff.
People that I'm working with
BBK media is a full-service media shop, helping you with these challenges and opportunities:
Sales of advertising within a publication
Profit share of advertising sales
Copy writing Support
Sourcing writers for articles and reports
Sourcing researchers for statistics
Layout design for third parties contributing to your publication
Interviewing, either virtually, or face to face
Pictures and photography
Project managing the whole process of production or just attending production meetings
Co-ordinating with your existing design team to ensure consistency
Access to our own Network of contacts and specialists to support your business and promotional material
Promotion of your organisation, as a client, to our Network where a synergy exists.
Some of these are done by the in-house team, others from a wider network of trusted and high quality specialists in their fields.
Core products are
Single, or multiple page promotional literature
Annual reports
Theatre Programmes
Guides and Maps
Stationery and Business Cards
OxCopy provides businesses with the in-depth articles and copy they need to run a modern marketing strategy. Whether you need words for magazines, newspapers or online websites and blogs, OxCopy delivers your professional, original and intelligent content that increases your audience and grows your sales.
Categories of content OxCopy can supply for your business include:
Website text (copy), both static and frequently updated for SEO
Magazine and newspaper articles
Email newsletter articles
Press releases
Case studies
Text for brochures, leaflets and other printed material
OxCopy can provide articles about your business and products. We also produce content of interest to your customers and prospects without being direct sales pitches. These are used in online marketing strategies to build your brand and a community around it.
All this without breaking the bank and a money-back guarantee.
Franchising opportunities
The flying doctor is expanding the fleet and there are franchise opportunities across the country.
Thank you for your support that has taken my business to a high altitude. The next stage has taken off - putting flying doctors into every town in the UK. There are still fantastic opportunities for people to join the team.
The flying doctor is looking for enthusiastic individuals, with a passion for computers, who really enjoy working with people. You can help them run their own business!
If you know people who would like this opportunity then ask them to call the flying doctor on 01865 748197 or email to start on their success.